SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Vaccines

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Learn 21 COVID-19 vaccine facts.
Are mandates science-based?

Flu Vaccine

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Learn 9 flu vaccine facts.
Are mandates science-based?

Hepatitis B and the Hepatitis B Vaccine

Assess the risks of hepatitis B compared to
the risks of the hepatitis B vaccine.

Immunocompromised Schoolchildren

schoolchildren crop

Read the scientific evidence supporting
a safe environment for schoolchildren.

Measles and the MMR Vaccine

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Learn important facts about measles and the
MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine.

Aluminum in Vaccines

Aluminum infographic

Understand the risks of aluminum-containing
vaccines administered to children

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and the DTaP Vaccine

Assess the risks of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
compared to the risks of the DTaP vaccine.

Polio and the Polio Vaccine

Research polio and the IPV (inactivated poliovirus)
vaccine to decide what’s best for your child.

Varicella (Chicken Pox) and the Varicella Vaccine

Is the varicella vaccine safer than chicken pox?

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Physicians for Informed Consent is focused on science and statistics, and is committed to empowering parents with the information they need to safeguard their children's health.

Physicians for Informed Consent is focused on science and statistics, and is committed to empowering parents with the information they need to safeguard their children's health.

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