PIC Contact Us Form

Thank you for your interest! PIC’s focus is on education and we look forward to helping you. After you review our educational documents and FAQs, if something doesn’t make sense or you have a question, please do let us know.

If not, please consider becoming a member. Go to the JOIN webpage and use the comments section of the membership application form for your inquiry.

Our educational documents and FAQs may be viewed here: https://picdata.org/education.

For information relating to vaccine exemptions and related matters, we recommend visiting our Coalition for Informed Consent webpage and reaching out to our member organizations in your local area for assistance.

CLICK HERE for information about reporting a suspected vaccine injury.

CLICK HERE to become a member of Physicians for Informed Consent.
PIC membership is free to the general public!

CLICK HERE to subscribe to the PIC Supporter Newsletter.
We will never share your information with 3rd parties.

CLICK HERE to make a tax-deductible donation to PIC.
We need your support and help in order to change the cultural acceptance of mandatory vaccination laws.

Thank you!

The PIC Volunteers