When you give to Physicians for Informed Consent, you help us educate the public about infectious diseases, vaccines, and informed consent. Your generosity supports our dedicated endeavor, since 2015, to safeguard informed consent in vaccination and change the cultural acceptance of mandatory vaccination laws.
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Physicians for Informed Consent
301 Bayview Circle, #104 PMB 1277
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Recent Physicians for Informed Consent accomplishments made possible with your support:
- 3/5/2025 Physicians for Informed Consent Files Certiorari Petition with the Supreme Court to End Censorship by the California Medical Board
- 1/28/2025 Physicians & Scientists Reveal: School-Mandated Vaccines Lack Proof of Safety Over Targeted Diseases
- 12/29/2024 PIC Releases New Collection of Educational Documents; States ‘MMR Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Measles, Mumps and Rubella’
- 8/19/2024 PIC Releases Educational Documents; States ‘Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Hib’
- 1/18/2024 PIC Files Amicus Curiae Brief with Supreme Court of the United States to End Vaccine Mandates for Schoolchildren
- 1/3/2024 PIC Files New Lawsuit to Challenge Medical Board’s Claimed Authority to Censor California Doctors’ Speech
- 11/21/2023 PIC Releases Educational Documents; States ‘DTaP Vaccine Is Not Proven Safer Than Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis’
- 10/27/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Releases Educational Documents Showing Chicken Pox (Varicella) Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Chicken Pox
- 10/7/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent and Allies File Motion to Directly Challenge Medical Board’s Claimed Authority to Censor California Doctors’ Recommendations
- 9/7/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent States, ‘For Normal-Risk Children, the Polio Vaccine is Not Proven Safer Than Polio Infection’
- 5/5/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Releases New Documents on Risks of Whooping Cough and the Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP and Tdap)
- 3/5/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes Proposed HPV Vaccine Mandate in California Schools
- 2/10/2023 Formal Request for CDPH to Review Mask Mandate following California Public Records Request
- 1/26/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Successfully Obtains Federal Court Injunction Protecting Freedom of Speech Regarding COVID-19
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