Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes AB 1993

PIC Oppose AB 1993 Letter 3 25 22 scaled

March 25, 2022

Re: AB 1993 (COVID-19 vaccine and booster requirement for all CA employees and independent contractors)
Position: Oppose

Dear California Legislators,

On behalf of hundreds of physician and surgeon members of Physicians for Informed Consent and thousands of our health-freedom members, we oppose AB 1993.

AB 19931 is both immoral and unscientific. It is immoral because it proposes to legalize medical bullying in the workplace and unscientific because the COVID-19 vaccines have not been proven safer than COVID-19 infection and natural immunity in employees of all age groups and all workplaces.

Furthermore, the clinical trials have been the only settings in which the vaccination status of subjects/patients was closely monitored, and those trials did not detect enough COVID-19 deaths to measure a significant difference in mortality between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients despite observing tens of thousands of subjects. In addition, CDC data show that the COVID-19 mass vaccination program has had no measurable impact on COVID-19 mortality—see PIC’s attached educational document COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: 20 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions.

We urge you to oppose AB 1993 as it is immoral, unscientific, unnecessary, and divisive.


Shira Miller, M.D.
Founder and President
Physicians for Informed Consent



About Physicians for Informed Consent

Physicians for Informed Consent is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics. PIC delivers data on infectious diseases and vaccines, and unites doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination. In addition, the PIC Coalition for Informed Consent consists of over 300 U.S. and international organizations that represent millions of people. To learn more, please visit

AB 1993 was placed on hold on March 29, 2022, and the committee meeting cancelled. The legislative analysis showed that no individuals and four organizations supported AB 1993, while 1,178 individuals and 86 California businesses and associations opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the workplace.

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