Physicians for Informed Consent Educates Parents About the Risk of Seizures and Epilepsy from the MMR Vaccine

Educational resources for parents and healthcare providers unveiled in recognition of National Epilepsy Awareness Month in NovemberNEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 12, 2019Every two hours another child suffers a seizure from the MMR Vaccine.Physicians for Informed Consent…

Physicians for Informed Consent and Peter Gøtzsche Debate Risk of Dying from the MMR Vaccine vs. Measles in BMJ

Physicians and scientists refute the claim that rational doubt of the MMR vaccine is “absurd.”NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. (PRWEB) AUGUST 07, 2019 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics, recently responded in the …

Soon, It May Become Illegal for California MDs to Protect Children in Their Practice from Vaccine Injuries or Deaths

Physicians for Informed Consent Doctors and Scientists Alert California Legislators NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. (PRWEB) MARCH 29, 2019 Although medical doctors and vaccine manufacturers have been protected from liability for vaccine injuries and deaths since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

Physicians for Informed Consent: Critical Calculation Error in Background Information for Hearing on “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?” on March 5, 2019

March 1, 2019 U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions 428 Senate Dirksen Office Building Washington, DC 20510 RE: Critical Calculation Error in Background Information for Hearing on “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?” on…

Physicians for Informed Consent: Errors in Memorandum for the hearing on “Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks in the U.S.” on February 27, 2019

February 25, 2019 Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. Committee on Energy and Commerce Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee Of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce RE: Errors in Memorandum for the hearing on “Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks…