Judge recuses herself due to potential financial conflict of interest with vaccine manufacturers
Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) General Counsel, Greg Glaser, through his private law practice, is also lead litigator in Garner v. Biden, No. 2:20-cv-02470-WBS-JDP (Eastern District of California), a federal vaccine mandates lawsuit against the President of the United States. The lawsuit argues that vaccine mandates must be repealed not only because they are unethical and unscientific but because our country would not be able to perform scientific vaccine research without the existence of unvaccinated persons who would be able to participate as controls. Thus, the case is known as, The Control Group litigation.
Recently, Glaser filed a motion to disqualify Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw, due to her ownership of substantial stocks of vaccine manufacturers. The judge quickly recused herself to avoid the appearance of any impropriety. See court order Garner v. Biden, No. 21-15587, 2022 U.S. App. LEXIS 3255, at *1 (9th Cir. Feb. 4, 2022).
“All judges have an affirmative duty as part of their work requirements to disclose their financial holdings annually on a standard government form (AO 10A),” said Glaser, “and we hope more attorneys handling vaccine mandate cases make sure their presiding judges do not have a similar potential financial conflict of interest.” Federal law (28 U.S.C.S. § 455) states that recusal is necessary where a judge holds any amount of stock directly in a company that is substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.
Physicians for Informed Consent congratulates Greg Glaser for his diligence to ensure The Control Group receives a fair trial. PIC also thanks members Dr. Rachel West, Dr. Douglas Hulstedt, and Dr. LeTrinh Hoang for assisting The Control Group case by serving as expert witnesses, and for sharing with the court Physicians for Informed Consent educational documents on infectious diseases and vaccines.
About Physicians for Informed Consent
Physicians for Informed Consent is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization focused on science and statistics. PIC delivers data on infectious diseases and vaccines, and unites doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination. In addition, the PIC Coalition for Informed Consent consists of over 300 U.S. and international organizations. To learn more or to become a member, please visit physiciansforinformedconsent.org.