
3/5/2025  Physicians for Informed Consent Files Certiorari Petition with the Supreme Court to End Censorship by the California Medical Board

1/28/2025 Physicians & Scientists Reveal: School-Mandated Vaccines Lack Proof of Safety Over Targeted Diseases

12/29/2024  PIC Releases New Collection of Educational Documents; States ‘MMR Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Measles, Mumps and Rubella’

8/19/24 PIC Releases Educational Documents; States ‘Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Hib’

1/18/2024 Physicians for Informed Consent Files Amicus Curiae Brief with Supreme Court of the United States to End Vaccine Mandates for Schoolchildren

1/3/2024 Physicians for Informed Consent Files New Lawsuit to Challenge Medical Board’s Claimed Authority to Censor California Doctors’ Speech

11/21/2023 PIC Releases Educational Documents; States ‘DTaP Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis’

10/27/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Releases Educational Documents Showing Chicken Pox (Varicella) Vaccine Has Not Been Proven Safer Than Chicken Pox

10/7/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent and Allies File Motion to Directly Challenge Medical Board’s Claimed Authority to Censor California Doctors’ Recommendations

9/7/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent States, ‘For Normal-Risk Children, the Polio Vaccine is Not Proven Safer Than Polio Infection’

5/5/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Releases New Documents on Risks of Whooping Cough and the Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP and Tdap)

3/5/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes Proposed HPV Vaccine Mandate in California Schools

2/10/2023 Formal Request for CDPH to Review Mask Mandate following California Public Records Request

1/26/2023 Physicians for Informed Consent Successfully Obtains Federal Court Injunction Protecting Freedom of Speech Regarding COVID-19

12/28/22 PIC Updates Its ‘Aluminum – Vaccine Risk Statement’: Document Includes Data on Association Between Aluminum in Vaccines and Childhood Asthma

12/7/22 Physicians for Informed Consent Sues State of California, Argues That Doctor Censorship Bill AB 2098 Violates the U.S. Constitution

12/1/22 Physicians for Informed Consent Files Lawsuit to Block California’s New COVID-19 Doctor-Censorship Law

11/11/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Challenges the Basis for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

9/27/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Files Amicus Curiae Brief with Supreme Court of the United States Supporting Workers’ Rights to Refuse COVID-19 Vaccination

9/13/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Releases New Educational Documents Assessing Risks of Hepatitis B Compared to Risks of the Hepatitis B Vaccine

8/16/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Sues Medical Board of California, Argues Board is Violating the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

6/27/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes AB 2098 (Doctor Censorship Bill) in Sacramento, California

5/1/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes SB 866 (Minors Consent to Vaccination Without Parental Knowledge or Consent)

3/29/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Private and Public Employees and Independent Contractors in California

3/28/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Updates Its Information Statement About Vaccines and Immunocompromised Schoolchildren, Includes Data on COVID-19 Vaccines

3/15/22 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for School Attendance and Doctor Censorship Bills in California

3/9/22 Physicians for Informed Consent General Counsel Disqualifies Federal Judge from Ruling in Vaccine Mandates Court Case

3/1/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Crucial Parental Rights and Informed Consent Lawsuit

2/22/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent: CDC Data Show COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Has Had No Measurable Impact on COVID-19 Mortality in the U.S.

1/10/2022 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Letter to Congressman Gohmert: Doctors and Scientists Support for H.R. 5816, National Informed Consent Exemption (NICE) Act

12/22/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Publishes Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS) Update – Children

8/24/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Publishes Comprehensive Analysis of U.S. COVID-19 Infection-Fatality Rate by Age Group

8/11/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Submits Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court in Pivotal Vaccine Mandates Case

6/16/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Letter to Cal/OSHA: Reject Proposed Revisions of COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards

6/7/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS) Update – Adolescents

5/18/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS)

4/23/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS)

2/24/2021 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS)

10/27/2020 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Risk Statement “9 Flu Vaccine Facts”

10/3/2020 Physicians for Informed Consent Provides Key Information in Medical Board of California Hearing, Aims to Protect Patients at Risk of Vaccine Side Effects

9/22/2020 Physicians for Informed Consent Sends Cautionary Letter to UC Board of Regents Regarding Its New Flu Shot Mandate, Emphasizes Lack of Scientific Basis

8/13/2020 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes New Educational Document on Risk of Aluminum in Vaccines

6/5/2020 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Publishes COVID-19 Disease Information Statement (DIS)

3/4/20 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Best Practices for Physicians Recommending a Medical Exemption to Vaccination

11/12/19 Physicians for Informed Consent Educates Parents About the Risk of Seizures and Epilepsy from the MMR Vaccine

10/24/19 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Developing the 2020 National Vaccine Plan

8/23/19 Physicians for Informed Consent: CDC Data Shows Immunity from the MMR Vaccine Wanes Over Time

8/7/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent and Peter Gøtzsche Debate Risk of Dying from the MMR Vaccine vs. Measles in BMJ

7/9/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Letter to California Assembly Appropriations Committee Regarding SB 276 

7/9/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Letter to Medical Board of California Regarding Science and SB 276 (limiting medical exemptions to vaccination)

6/27/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Responds to Peter Gotzsche’s claim in BMJ that Questioning the Safety of the MMR Vaccine is “absurd”

6/20/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Doctors Attended the California Assembly Health Committee Hearing on SB 276 

6/18/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Vaccine-Injured Families and Their Doctors Change the Minds of Directors at the Medical Board of California

6/17/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes “SB 276 Myths vs. Facts: Setting the Record Straight”

6/12/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Opposes SB 276: Letter to the CA Assembly Health Committee

5/28/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Testimony Urges Medical Board of California to Oppose SB 276

5/20/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Dr. Shira Miller and Dr. Edmond Sarraf Interviewed on SPECTRUM NEWS1

5/3/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, Threaten Public Health

4/24/2019 Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Pediatrician and Founding Member of Physicians for Informed Consent, Spoke at the Senate Health Committee Hearing on SB 276, and Opposed the Bill Which Would Restrict Medical Exemptions.

4/9/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent Doctors Oppose SB 276 at State Capitol

3/29/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Soon, It May Become Illegal for California MDs to Protect Children in Their Practice from Vaccine Injuries or Deaths

3/27/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Opposes SB 276: Letter to California Legislators

3/17/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Hosts Luncheon & Workshop in Costa Mesa, California

3/1/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Critical Calculation Error in Background Information for Hearing on “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?”

2/27/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent: Errors in Memorandum for the Hearing on “Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks in the U.S.” 

2/14/2019 Physicians for Informed Consent to Host Workshop & Luncheon in Southern California

7/2/2018 Physicians for Informed Consent Releases Information Statement About Vaccines and Immunocompromised Schoolchildren

12/20/2017 Physicians for Informed Consent Finds MMR Vaccine Causes Seizures in 5,700 U.S. Children Annually

11/20/2017 Physicians for Informed Consent Letter to the Editor in The BMJ, Re: The unofficial vaccine educators: are CDC funded non-profits sufficiently independent?

10/10/2017 Physicians for Informed Consent Publishes Scientific Finding on the MMR Vaccine

2/15/2017 Physicians for Informed Consent Hosts Major Vaccine Safety Conference

12/20/2016 Physicians for Informed Consent: Doctors and Scientists Unite to End Mandatory Vaccination Laws